Spring has finally arrived here in the Northeast and we actually have some much needed sunshine today after a long span of rain.
Last weekend I ran a marathon and the rain started right at the start of the race and it literally has been raining since then. The gray days really affect your mood, your groove and your motivation to get focused and get some training done. But with a beautiful Spring day I thought it would be easy to get up and ready to train but I found myself procrastinating over my tea, my mind searching for a million other tasks to do instead of getting out of my Pj’s and get running.
As I sat there perplexed over my dilemma I was starting to get nervous that maybe I lost my fitness mojo, maybe I am just not the athlete I thought I was or maybe my age is starting to catch up with me. I was full of doubts, uncertainty and just in an odd mood but I remembered what I always tell people in my group fitness classes, you just have to take that first step and start:
So I did what any woman would do to get out of a funk, I put on clothes that make me feel and look good before leaving the house. You do it when going out on the town in the evening, why not when you go out to train? What you wear on the outside affects how you feel on the inside. It was just what I needed. Add to that some upbeat music and I was ready to go. Instead of the doubt I was feeling, I was now bold and fearless running and doing what I love.
So next time if you are just not motivated to get moving, tired or got the training blues, throw on something that makes you feel good about yourself, put on some music that makes you happy and just go. Motion creates emotions and this would guarantee to change your thoughts and mood for the positive and add some happiness to your day.